Breathe new life into your work and your team with Hizumitan® Coaching
You want to breathe new life into your work and your team? Experience our special teambuilding
You are taking over an executive/senior executive position? Develop a positive and effective cooperation with your teams
You are preparing for the lead of your team, a new task or a new job? Develop an optimized interaction with and in your team
About Hizumitan®
Why Hizumitan®?
- (Hinsehen) observe
- (Zuhören) listen
- (Mitdenken) think about it and
- (Anpacken) take action
As soon as we carefully observe (Hinsehen) other people or situations, listen to them attentively (Zuhören), start to think about (Mitdenken) the person or the situation and finally even take action (Anpacken), if possible or necessary, we are not only adding value to our work, team, department or even company…
…we are also improving the team climate, enhancing social networking resulting in heightening mutual appreciation and respect. Even more, we increase our self-esteem and become more confident.
You want to breathe new life into your work and your team? Experience our special teambuilding
Choose your tool (MS Teams, Zoom, Skype etc.) and start solving the tasks for the team in the virtual Experience room
You book your hotel rooms and we will organize and prepare your team tasks in the Experience room
You reserve a meeting room in your company and we will change it into an Experience room where your team will receive the tasks to solve
You are taking over an executive/senior executive position? Develop a positive and effective cooperation with your teams
Choose your tool (MS Teams, Zoom, Skype etc.) and start solving the cases in the virtual Experience room
You book your hotel room and we will organize and prepare your cases in the Experience room
Reserve a meeting room in your company and we will change it into an Experience room where you will receive your cases to solve
You are preparing for the lead of your team, a new task or a new job? Develop an optimized interaction with and in your team
Choose your tool (MS Teams, Zoom, Skype etc.) and start solving your customized tasks in the virtual Experience room
You book your hotel room and we will organize and prepare your customized tasks in the Experience room
Reserve a meeting room in your company and we will change it into an Experience room where you will receive your customized tasks to solve
Half-day Seminar
Participants spend 4 coaching units in the Experience room learning about and developing Hizumitan® skills with tasks from case studies, videos, pictures or situations.
(3-4 participants) 4 coaching units (3 hours) –
350 € perparticipant (travelling expenses, catering & room excluded)
All prices exclude VAT. Special solutions will be quoted on demand.
4 coaching units (3 hours) – 490 € (travelling expenses, catering & room costs excluded)
All prices exclude VAT. Special solutions will be quoted on demand.
Will be developed and recorded by the participants after the Hizumitan® Experience and before the Hizumitan® Certification. Hizumitan® Certification can only be attended and granted after Hizumitan® Story has been completed.
Half-day Seminar
Participants spend another 4 coaching units in the
Experience room sharing their Hizumitan® Story
and their transformation process. Further Hizumitan®
situations and tasks will be shown and evaluated for achieving the Hizumitan® Certification.
(3-4 participants) 4 coaching units (3 hours) –
350 € per participant (travelling expenses, catering & room excluded)
All prices exclude VAT. Special solutions will be quoted on demand.
4 coaching units (3 hours) – 490 € (travelling expenses, catering & room costs excluded)
All prices exclude VAT. Special solutions will be quoted on demand.
Our Story
Why Hizumitan®?
- (Hinsehen) observe
- (Zuhören) listen
- (Mitdenken) think about it and
- (Anpacken) take action
First impulses
How did it start? In 2000, my colleague Miriam suggested that I should join Hardie ILTC. James Hardie was not just manager of a common language and coaching company, but offered a customer-oriented coaching in several languages. We have rarely used language or grammar books, but material that was tailored to fit the individual or group, their workplace or department. Because, most clients did not only want to improve their communication skills in this language to understand and deal with customers, colleagues and superiors. But they would also share issues that we discussed and for which we found solutions.
Continuous improvement
Due to my English studies in economics and technology, this has been a continuous improvement process, not only for the clients, who are now able to express themselves in English more fluently for their own business. Also for us, this added value, to understand their jobs and issues in an increasingly better way and to dive into their challenges with more background knowledge. This has been a fantastic win-win situation.
Soft and Social Skills
Soon, I got used to discussing emotional intelligence, diversity, soft and social skills, resilience, employee development and succession planning in the Human Resources Department, as well as nearshoring, intercultural differences and hierarchies with clients who travelled a lot.
Marketing and Sales
In Marketing, brand identity and placement, endorsement, market share and product launch have been important topics. For my clients in Sales, customer acquisition, customer care and retention have been in focus.
Procurement and Controlling
My clients in the purchasing department want to discuss supplier acquisition and management, value maximisation, early involvement und on-time delivery of components. Finance clients have mainly been focused on facts and figures, controlling, annual reports, budget planning and asset management.
IT and Scrum
In IT, topics have changed frequently. Sometimes it was internet placement, networks and SAP. Recently, we have focused on agile topics, such as Scrum. This has fascinated me so much that I participated in Scrum seminars and became a Certified Scrum Master (CSM).
Health & Safety (EHS)
I have had several clients in Environment, Health and Safety (EHS). Of course, we have often discussed accident minimisation, but we also concentrated on safe und ergonomic workplaces. Most recently, also sound and light pollution have been added to our conversations.
R&D and Product Management
In Research and Development we have frequently discussed the PEP process, functional requirements, requirement specifications and product development. Project Managers are glad to elaborate on business cases, customer engagement and project monitoring.
Production & Logistics
In Production and Logistics Just-in-Time Delivery, Kanban and Dashboards for WiP and shorter lead times, incoming goods, shipping and stock management are topics we have touched on a weekly basis.
Enthusiasm and Motivation
However, there has been one topic in every department that has been raised again and again – how to improve motivation, mindfulness, enthusiasm and ability.
Many years ago, James Hardie told me about the EMA (enthusiasm, motivation, ability) cycle, describing that no matter where you start to improve, you will increase the other two in an upward spiral.
As soon as we carefully observe (Hinsehen) other people or situations, listen to them attentively (Zuhören), start to think about (Mitdenken) the person or the situation and finally even take action (Anpacken), if possible or necessary, we are not only adding value to our work, team, department or even company…
…we are also improving our social network, heightening mutual appreciation and respect. But even more, we increase our self-esteem and become more confident.
So I started Hizumitan®.
Gabriela Richard-Steinbach
Call Us
+49 2307 146640
+49 177 6910451
Hammerstraße 59,
D-59174 Kamen
your many years of experience in many departments and companies of the Group give you the opportunity to present a customized concept to each of your clients and to pursue this in a targeted and successful manner. Your own motivation and enthusiasm contribute to achieving the desired goals through your training and coaching.
Frau Richard,
Ihre langjährige Tätigkeit in vielen Abteilungen und Unternehmen des Konzerns gibt Ihnen die Möglichkeit, jedem Ihrer Klienten ein maßgeschneidertes Konzept vorzulegen und dies zielgerichtet und erfolgreich zu verfolgen. Ihre eigene Motivation und Begeisterungsfähigkeit tragen dazu bei, dass durch Ihr Training und Coaching die gewünschten Ziele erreicht werden.
Das Coaching war eine sehr gute Entscheidung. Ich habe sehr schnell meine sprachliche Kompetenz verbessern können und sogar im fachlichen Bereich einiges dazulernen können. Gabriela Richard ist nicht nur persönlich äußerst erfahren in ihrem Bereich, sondern auch menschlich sehr bodenständig und eine besonders nette Person. Es ist leicht sie zu mögen, denn sie treibt positiv an und motiviert, auch wenn es mal schwierig wird.
Gabriela schafft eine angenehme Atmosphäre um Englisch zu verstehen und zu lernen. Ich habe sehr schnell meine sprachliche Kompetenz in allen Bereichen verbessern können. Gabriela ist äußerst erfahren in ihrem Fachgebiet, erkennt sehr schnell die richtigen Schwachstellen und kann sehr gut die notwendigen Lerninhalte vermitteln.
Von Beginn an, hat es Frau Richard mit ihrer offenen und feinfühligen Art geschafft, ein Umfeld für ein intensives Lernen zu schaffen. Die im Laufe der Zeit einhergehende Fokussierung und Zuwendung auf zielgerichtete, fachliche und auf Wunsch auch tagesaktuelle Themen, waren für meine sprachliche Entwicklung außerordentlich wertvoll.
Coachingangebote gibt es mittlerweile viele, aber nur wenige beherrschen es ehrlich und authentisch, doch gleichzeitig positiv und motivierend ein konstruktives, aber auch konsequentes Konzept für ihr Coaching zu erstellen und durchzuführen. Danke dafür!
Eine sehr gute Zusammenarbeit in der Arbeitssicherheit mit interessant ergänztem Material und Lösungsvorschlägen für bestimmte Vorsichtsmaßnahmen. Aufgrund ihres Wissensspektrums war sie in der Lage, abteilungsspezifische Konzepte in den Bereichen der Arbeitssicherheit (Gefahrstoffmanagement, Gefährdungsbeurteilungen, Hygiene- und Infektionsschutzpläne, Erstellung von Betriebsanweisungen, Ursachenermittlung bei Arbeitsunfällen) für uns als Coach zu erstellen und zu vermitteln..
not only your language skills, but also your professional understanding of the company and its changing situation in many company divisions have led tot he fact that your support at management level is also gladly taken up by several other colleagues and is very much appreciated.
Frau Richard,
nicht nur Ihre sprachlichen Fähigkeiten, sondern auch Ihr fachliches Verständnis für das Unternehmen und dessen veränderte Situation in vielen Firmenbereichen haben dazu geführt, dass Ihre Unterstützung auf der Führungsebene auch von mehreren anderen Kollegen gerne in Anspruch genommen und sehr geschätzt wird.
Frau Richard, gerne bestätigen wir Ihnen auch dass Sie in vielen Fachbereichen (Finanzbuchhaltung, IT, Produktion, Lagerhaltung, Logistik) aufgrund Ihrer Vielseitigkeit für uns als Englischtrainerin/ Coach tätig waren. Ihr besonderer Fokus auf das Themas Logistik in verschiedenen Gruppen hat dazu geführt, dass den Teilnehmern die Facetten der Logistik von unterschiedlichen Seiten und in einer anderen Sprache nahegebracht wurden. Aufgrund Ihrer Flexibilität konnten auch kurzfristig Vertragsthemen eingebracht und besprochen werden.